
Tourist is mobile

Tourists and travelers do carry nowadays mobile phones all the time with them, but are not using them only for calls and sending text messages. More and more, because of faster mobile phone networks, they are using mobile phones for chatting, checking emails and using other network based services, like searching for information. And use most likely will increase, especially here in Europe as European Union bureaucrats has taken lately active role for making use of mobile phones more cheaper while traveling in Europe.

Country and city tourist offices, as well as other organizations publishing information for tourists and travelers, traditionally have lots of information available on the internet. Background information, history, practical information like about transportation, sights, restaurants, bars and nightlife, not forgetting maps and other content types like videos and audios. Unfortunately this information is not easily usable, if at all, by mobile phones and mobile phone browsers thus making it practically unusable for tourist after s/he has left home and started her/his travel.

Its actually surprise how little there's usable tourism and travel information which can be used with mobile phones. Here in Finland Helsinki has its own mobi site but, well, not so attractive service and could have more content. Especially if compared for the mobile service provided by eg. SAS, even their focus is a bit different.

What's the problem? Most likely that those tourism offices and boards are just so traditional, slowly moving elephants. This have seen already when internet, as term and a "channel", was new and how slowly tourism and travel communications moved into the net. Now the good sides, more cost effective and up to date communication, has been seen but hopefully value of mobile phones and services for them wont take so much time as it did with web services. Because the tourists and travelers are here, now, and willing to use information if that's just available.

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